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Well, chances are everybody will take damage from the scenario as well, so attacking with Vampire's Blood might be your best bet for survival right now. Hopefully not too many people will attack you...

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Unless there's been a miscommunication between me and Crusher, yes, you do get to attack others.

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Smumpkins, your siggy and avvie go along my lines.....


Yes, I'm pretty sure I won't be as active as I was before after this Wildlife Contest is over. (Did you here that, Smumpkins? I won't be totally leaving, so you can stop crying. *offers tissue*) It was basically the only stimulating?-ish thing here. Besides, with exams and midterms coming up, I'll be kinda busy.

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Well communication with Cameron is a bit messed up at the moment 'cos of his MSN, but he should have everything sorted out when he gets on.

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It's a sad, complicated situation of my cats attacking a poor, defenseless, Windows XP laptop. This new PC has no speakers, no CD drive, no space for a thumb drive, and keeps telling me that I have performed an illegal action, causing the whole screen to go black, with the kind exception of my cursor. I have no idea how looking at the Microsoft website is illegal. It also frequently makes extremely audible grinding noises, and scares my cats. And the moniter is badly scratched. Anyway, I hope to see you again at some point Michael, it would be a shame not to stay in touch. Just to let you know Vira, my MSN screen name is [email protected]. I'll add you once I figure out a way to get it working, any suggestions? I'm going to go PM those who haven't answered now. *wink*



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