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Are you cool? Another new part. 9/19/07


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I recently stumbled upon this site and it tells you is your cool enough or not.


It said I was completly and utterly cool.


Heres the link go check it out.



Dont wanna put TDN to shame.

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Oh shucks. I completly forgot about the rule reform. Working from the old rules. That's not good, seeing as I'm supposed to know them like the back of my hand. :|


Oh. I got "Matt, you are the most ubersome cool guy ever. b)"

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Yes took me a litle bit but I got it right.


Hmm mabey I should add another button to say your a dork or you can click on Jellyneo. :D

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I found the funny.


I found the second Rude and Disrespectful.


Im not sure about the other members, but even though I use TDN, I still think the others are cool as well.

And I think what makes TDN one of the top help sites, is that its fair and equal to other helps sites, rather than saying, YOUR A DORK IS YOU USE THAT SITE, TDN IS CLEARLY BETTER.

So The 2nd one you made, has just made tdn worse than jellyneo. Not once, while browsing the other help sites, have i seen Any Slander TDN, they respect the competition that TDN gives rather than insult it.


So in my opinon, and mine only, that 2nd one is rude/offensive, and make TDN worse than other help sites.


Not in information and articles, i say TDN and jellyneo are both equal on the info.

But Dillon, you are the one to put TDN to shame, by that cool test, and by telling jellyneo that they're dorks. So your slandering is what maes this worse!.


(Or in bullet point form)

-No other help sites insult members of TDN

-Though Dillon insults the members of Jellyneo

-If we get new members, what will they think, they will just think TDN members as childish, as 1 person insults another help site.

-Tbh, if i had the choice, I rather be a respectful site, tahn one that insults the competiton.


But thats only my opinion.

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Well first off Jellyneo is bad because it had copied other sites.

2nd i wasnt trying to slander anyone but I thought it was funny.

3rd Jellyneo has slandered other sites.


4th: Learn to be have a sense of humour


And to make Vivi happy I removed both links.

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  • 2 months later...

Yay for dorks (which is everyone I assume) :D

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