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Hey there,


TheDailyNeopets always covers any Plots or events that are going on in Neopia.


Whilst we don't yet know whether or not this is a plot, feel free to chat and theorise about it here.


TDN will cover every aspect of it, as soon as we get more information on it. Your posts here will also help us decide various aspects of it, and if your theories and help prove well, we may credit you for helping us out ;)


Look our for more info on The Cyodrake's Gaze!


Update: We're pretty darn sure that it's a plot we have here. Watch out for our dedicated Cyodrakes Gaze section on Saturday!

Hey there,


TheDailyNeopets always covers any Plots or events that are going on in Neopia.


Whilst we don't yet know whether or not this is a plot, feel free to chat and theorise about it here.


TDN will cover every aspect of it, as soon as we get more information on it. Your posts here will also help us decide various aspects of it, and if your theories and help prove well, we may credit you for helping us out ;)


Look our for more info on The Cyodrake's Gaze!


Update: We're pretty darn sure that it's a plot we have here. Watch out for our dedicated Cyodrakes Gaze section on Saturday!



By the way, please don't post your plot guides here. We will probably close your topic. We have a guide, we don't need more. thanks!

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