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Games Games~!


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Hey, want to know, what online games do you guys play? Here are the games I play:

Good Games (MMORPG)::

Granado Espada

Silkroad Online (Tell me what server you play on. xD)

Should check out these games, they are awesome...


So, just talk about other games you guys play that are online, and rate them on their quality, I guess. =)

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I play Guild Wars (and it's various expansions) It's free to play once you've bought it, so thats awesome. It's a pretty good game too. I used to play City of heroes/ Villians. They're basically the same game but Villians has better content for the most part. It's an awesome game but it costs 15 bucks a month, and I couldn't justify paying that with the amount of time i put into it... I've tried a couple of other online games too, but none of them for long. They're kinda dull for the most part...

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Silkroad Online is a game where you try to level up a character, and you can make it become a hunter, thief, or trader, and you make loads of money, fight, and stuffers like that. It's F2P, and they just had a euro update. Before, you could only make "Chinese" characters, but they made a Euro part, and now you can play European characters. It's really addicting. The graphics are high quality (almost like Final Fantasy). You should try it out. =)

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Kal. You must tell me your character name. Or even your guilds name. We could have a battle. :)


I, like Kal, play Guild Wars. In fact, the first expansion for it (Eye of the North) is having a "Sneak Peek" this weekend, in which I will be participating in. :)

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I play Rakion, Hero Online, and Maplestory. They're pretty good, but I don't seem to have any in common with everyone else here. :(

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I don't play too many games online now. I used to play Guild Wars like Kal and Matt, but that slowely went away. The only other Online i play is Call of Duty (not sure what one). Played it round my mates once, and it seemed good, so i play online on taht sometimes with my friends and random people (cough not very good though)

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