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The Account is Mine... Just not at the Moment...


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Yes, it is I, Metroid. That's not the main thing at the moment though.


I couple months or so back, I created an account. It's 'metroiders' and I know the password.

However, I haven't logged on to it for a while and now I am required to enter my birthdate. I did such but apparently I entered an incorrect birthdate when I created the account in the beginning. Due to my stupidity, I can't get into my account. Any suggestions? I have a pet with a decent name on it... (No underscores or numbers) :eh:

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Metroid request a neofriend with that account it will tell you how old you said it was. And your cant transferpets at the moment the pound is down. I dont know if you knew.

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The only thing I know of is to try it......sometimes it lets you through. You could try requesting for lost password..they might tell you the birthdate as well.....Or you could just guess :P

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The only thing I know of is to try it......sometimes it lets you through. You could try requesting for lost password..they might tell you the birthdate as well.....Or you could just guess :P


Nope, all you get is your password when you do that. *is still looking*

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