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Anyone have stats on how likely various avatars are to be awarded?

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I have just, so many random avatars to go after, and the odds are low on so many of them, so it all seems so hopeless. Sometimes, having an expected number to work towards (like knowing the kiss the mortog thing was like a 0.8% chance thus I mentally was working towards 120 games whereas kacheek seek's mystery seemed endless) makes it seem more like progress is being made. Anyone have any numbers on this? In particular I'm looking at:

  1. Sophie Quest Avatar odds on completion
  2. Dice-A-Roo odds
  3. Lever of Doom odds
  4. Buried treasure odds (odds of winning, and of getting it on a win)
  5. Cheese Roller Odds
  6. Rubbish Dump odds
  7. Snowager Avvie odds on getting blasted (and odds he blasts you when hes asleep)


Etc. Thanks so much to anyone that has info on this!


if you use reddit, theres a couple of people who post stats for stuff like this. also have posted stats for tyranu evavu, like 10k or 100k games worth, was very interesting read

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