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altador cup


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I have been doing the Altador plot from the help pages on thedailyneopets.com. I am currently on part 13, The Protector. I have gone to the rock quarry and attempted to get the necklace. This gaurdian says this when I click on the necklace:


"You are not worthy enough to pass!"

The Guardian, though made entirely of ethereal mist, projects a field that forces you back! You cannot approach the pedestal.


Why did this happen? Did I maybe miss a step somewhere? thanks!



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You had to have missed a step somewhere, or he would simply let you through. :( If you can figure out what you did wrong, but re-reading the guide carefully, do that. If you can't I would just doing that whole step over again. I don't think it would matter much, as long as you don't start guessing the wrong step or something.


Read every line, even if you think you know that it says, that is one tricky plot and there are very little details that everyone seems just to skip right over in the guide. :)


Good Luck!

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The only other thing I can think of is check in with the Lenny... oh what's his name... after every step. Sometimes it's picky about that.

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