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Camp Hyrule 2007


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Hurray! The new Camp Hyrule dates were released

(I'm guessing yesterday or today because I've been checking most everyday...)!


The info can be found here: Camp Hyrule

It looks like there isn't a signup this year... just a show up starting August 13!



I made a topic about this earlier this year or late last year (I don't remember...) I think some of you participated before... but I wanted to tell all you Nintendo fans about it.

It really is a fun time, lots of stuff to do, loads of new people to meet, and a chance at glory... not to mention this year's sweepstakes....



So, if you don't have a My Nintendo account, and you want to join in on the fun, I suggest you go make one now. =P

You can make one at nintendo.com


(My name in C.H.07 will be Marro- just to let you know!)


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