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Wicked Wocky Wobble, Caption Contest

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Following previous naming trends, heres Wicked Wocky Wobble. It's due pretty soon!






Also coming soon, but with no images yet: a Usuki Frenzy revamp and Shenkuu Sleuths!


Caption Contest

Related to another new game, Shenkuu River Rush, have you got any jokes about the image below?




- TDN clarifies news-posting policies -

We had a message earlier asking why TDN posts news that other sites might not, mostly involving the commercial side of Neopets and it's parent companies. To clarify this, as we feel it's in the public interest, check here to read about our news-posting policies. If you have any comments, feel free to contact us.


Cool, that name is rather a tongue twister (try saying Wicky Wocky Wobble" 10 times and your guaranteed to make a mistake :P


But I for one like that you post the business side of things as well. Its makes TDN unique, and it allows us to follow the Business, liek changeovers, who's investing (which is rather interesting) and it helps to see what the future may hold.


Oooo that Wicky Wocky Wobble game looks interesting.


I also like that you post business topics because it gives us a good outlook on what might be happening with Neopets and what direction they could take. Now if only they'd bring back the McDonalds toys! I love those! *sits back in desk chair covered in McDonalds Neopets*.

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