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Now that Beta if officially over, can we fantastic members get our lovely FM forum back? (those of us, that lost it when beta was turned on)




=) TJ

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We'd love to, but naturally, Ian is on vacation and won't be back until... Saturday or something I think. Since he's the only one who can change the priorities, you'll have to wait. Sorry. :(


I'll leave it open until Ian gets back.


The beta's been over for a while, actually, hasn't it? Well, it doesn't seem to be very active. :P

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:grrr: :grrr: WHAT do you mean I have to wait, I am a fantastic member, don't I get priority. *walks away muttering* :grrr: :grrr:


:cap: Ok, so Ian is away, I suppose I can wait, I'm cool, I'm cool. *wishes to add another smiley face here, but I've reached my limit*

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