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A Gossamer blanket hung on the large metal tree that stood sentinel among the wispy willows and pale Eucalyptus trees with their pale under-bellied leaves, the pink tips attracting the interests of humming wasps and the gentle buzzing of dragonflies whose emerald jewelled eyes and crystallized sapphire and rose quartz armour glistened as it caught the sun’s hazy saffron glow which stirred the rising mists, pale green from the spores of Moss plants from the floor below. Turquoise feathered Hummingbirds started to thrum their wings to the whistle of the wind of the morning, slow to the forest dwellers below, fast and spirited on the grasslands and scrub. Several birds launched themselves sky-ward, to look for the meal of nectar that supplied them their energy to live and breed. The husk of a fruit fell to the floor, scattering birds in its downward wake, sending fragments flying to the furthest regions of the forest floor. Above, a monkey, the colour of Tapioca and cream threw another worthless husk to the floor.

Howls of anger and hoots of derision fell to the floor suddenly, showering husks to the enemy, a golden furred Jaguar with black rosette spots, which sent him out of hiding, huffed in dismay and narrowly escaped having sticks and husks breaking his fine fur. The Jaguar was an enemy for the Monkey Tribe, a severe problem and had plagued the Monkey Tribe for Aeon. All Jaguars were trouble, regardless of gender, age or ability. All Jaguars were death, but the Tribe had survived longer and had adapted against their wily attacks. Several groups of Monkeys felt at ease, and began to scout in the treetops for food; the leaves and fruitage were in bounty this year, and the Monkey Tribe reaped its benefits. But the Monkey tribe were not the only ones to benefit.

A piercing shriek tore the peace asunder – the hunting cry of a Harpy Eagle, followed by hoots of panic and danger from the tribe. But some Monkeys were slow, some laden with young that clung on in fear and slowed their mothers dramatically. But one monkey, saw the eagle dive in for an easy kill- a mother and baby, and ran at the eagle, screaming and seeming crazy, the eagle, distracted; let the mother disappear from its awareness, who ran for the security of the lower trees. The eagle disappeared skyward, and the monkey relaxed to turn back to the tribe. There was a sudden blur of cream white feathers, the monkey lost its balance, and fell, a fatal height for a fall, but was caught in the cruel talons of the eagle. The fate of the limp monkey form was to be fed to eagle chicks, but for the monkey tribe, their fate was not as certain.

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