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Ive been playing neopets for 2-4 years and im getting used to the updates.


1) How do I train my neopet to level up?


2) Its really neat that you can buy wearable cloths but can you only buy them with neocash?




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*raises hand* I know


1) To level up pet, there are many main ways

-Mystery island Training school (codestones)

-Krawk island Academy (dubloons)

-Faerie Quests

-The Lab

-Kitchen Quest (though not guaranteed to raise stats)

-And there are few items that raises your sts by 2, but they are expensive.


2) No, you can buy some for NP but they will cost about 100k, Just check the news every now and then to see new items.

The only things you can't buy are all those glittery backgrounds or wins etc.

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