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frozen problem


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I am so frustrated and have run out of ideas. my son and i both have a neopets account. mine primarily because i wish to keep a eye on him as he is only 11. neopets froze both accounts after 4 years claiming that my son has more than 1 account. i have emailed and politely explained that one is my adult account and one is his child account. the activity on each account is also appropriate to the age of the player and i have asked nicley to unfreeze us but they just dont bother to respond. this occurred right after the whole bank fiasco duping thing but i know for a fact that neither of us got accidentally duped or anything because as soon as we heard about it on the boards we closed the shop and everything and did nothing on the site so we wouldnt get caught up in the dupng thing. after 4 years, my son has no desire to start over. he was having fun playing in the altador cup but doesnt want to go thru the hassle of starting all over. any way to get a more positive response from neopets? they didnt seem to have a problem with us having 2 accounts in the family last year when we were paying for premium but now that we arent paying anymore its like we dont exist.

we do use the same computers but it isnt like neopets hasnt known this for a long time. we used to pay for premium for the accounts and it came off the same credit card. the premium folks were totally ok with the family having 2 different accounts, one for the adult (myself) and a seperate one for the child (my son). they both show correct ages and his account even has faxed permissions on file at neopets. the acounts have existed for 4 years. its just really crazy that now, out of the blue they have accused my son of having multiple accounts. i have written 3 letters so far spaced about a week apart, asking very nicely to please unfreeze the accounts and clarifying that the one account is my sons and the other is mine. it is pretty easy to verify from the permissions and the old premium payments so its not like this isnt traceable but they just never respond at all. at this point it seems that their response is just ignore us. has anyone else ever run into this?

ps we have more than one computer on our dsl and the dsl actually was allowing both of us to be online at the same time. he could play on his account at the same time i could be on mine, so wouldnt that also show two different people playing on two different accounts?


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First off I am very sorry and welcome to the forums, I'm TJ.


Before I can respond properly, how long ago did you send the first letter and was this letter by e-mail or snail mail?


In response to the DSL question: It is actually the opposite of what you mentioned. I'm pretty sure that all neopets can track is IP address, and so if both the computers are hooked up to the same DSL, then they would therefore have the same IP address.


Where you transfering any items/money from either account to either account, have you ever transfered anything within the 4 years?

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First off I am very sorry and welcome to the forums, I'm TJ.


Before I can respond properly, how long ago did you send the first letter and was this letter by e-mail or snail mail?


In response to the DSL question: It is actually the opposite of what you mentioned. I'm pretty sure that all neopets can track is IP address, and so if both the computers are hooked up to the same DSL, then they would therefore have the same IP address.


Where you transfering any items/money from either account to either account, have you ever transfered anything within the 4 years?

i sent the first report by the new frozen submission form three weeks ago and the 2nd and 3rd by email about 1 week apart each.

yes we have transferred and traded things over the 4 years,also with many other neopfriends too. most trading of big things was done with other neofriends but we swapped a few minor things like food from time to time. frankly, given how many people actually tried to scam the poor kid i would have preferred that he only trade with me because he got scammed major a couple times.


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Yea, I didn't think it was the trading it the items, I was mostly looking for like did you at one point wipe out one account and basically combine the accounts into one, but I can tell you didn't do that.


From what I understand (and have experienced) TNT usually takes a month or so to just start to get back to people. Obviously e-mail is faster then snail mail and I would expect the response by e-mail, but I would allow them a good month or so before you should really start to worry.


I am a premium member, and I sent TNT an e-mail once about something I wasn't happy with, and it took the whole month until I got a reply and that was using the premium only submission forms. By the time I got a reply, I forgot why I sent in what I sent in, in the first place. Anyway the good thing to look forward to is, when they do get around to replying (from what I understand of it) is that you can then reply directly back to that support agent, via e-mail (not a submission form on neopets) and from there you will have instant access to basically directly chat with someone daily or what not.


Good luck, if there is anything else I can help you with, please feel free to post here, make a new topic, or PM me!


Have a nice day,

=) TJ

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