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Unless I've really missed something, the only thing that matters for increasing your badge rank is how *many* games you play, not how well you do in any of them. Personally, I don't understand that system at all. It seems really dumb that Person A can play 15 games of Yooyuball and win by an average of 6 goals a game, but will still get fewer points toward the next rank than Person B who plays 20 games but only wins by 1 point per game.


Anyway, my point is...if your score doesn't matter anyway, is there any reason not to do something like the following: start a game of SS, throw ONE slushie, send your score, and just do that a whole bunch of times? True, your team won't get as many points, but will it increase your rank just the same as if you'd played the game through? Is it considered cheating by TNT? Should it be?


So in conclusion, the scoring system could have been thought out much better in my opinion. And yes, I know it's probably hard to take all those individual scores into account (I don't pretend to know diddly about coding and math programs and all); but, y'know, it seems kind of a shame to put all that time into making games and stuff and then set it up in a way that rewards people for putting as little effort into them as possible. Thoughts?


I have to disagree with you... the leveling system is completly ok , it shouldn't be based on scores because then it would be unfair to some people who can't get really big scores . you get your rank by trying and effort . the time you give to play AND help your team , that seems fair to me... and you can't say playing 2000 games or isn't hard , no matter what scores you get ...


if it would work by being based on scores ALOT of people including me would just give up ... I have an average of 7 would that mean I won't be able to get to the rank I want?... or that would meen I'll have to play more games than someone with a 9 ?


Hmm, I guess I can understand what you're saying. Nobody's good at all games, so people *should* be rewarded for effort regardless of how well they do. I didn't mean that I think people should be penalized for low scores, or that the scoring should be based solely on how good people's scores are, because that wouldn't be fair either. I just think that there should be some balance, that those who do score well should also get some kind of credit for it. Take my Slushie Slinger example, somebody could sure send a whole bunch of scores, but is that really putting any effort into it? And, if you think about it, your effort should eventually be reflected by your scores at least a little -- even if you never become a pro at a game, still, the more you play and practice, the better you'll get (my scores in YYB reflect this -- I totally sucked at it last year, but I worked really hard to get better at it this year and I did.)


I guess part of my problem is just that I want to do well and have a high rank, and am certainly willing to put effort and time into the games to do so. I mean, if I was only playing a game or two a day and not even trying, that would be one thing. But let's face it, I have a life. I just do not have time to sit here all day and do nothing but play Yooyuball. I mean, I've put in all the time I can possibly afford to (and sometimes more than I should) and I'm barely even level 4. And I just don't think that accurately reflects what I contribute to the team. Maybe I can't put as much actual time into the tournament as some people, but I'm still contributing plenty -- I win by an average of 6 points a game in YYB and usually get pretty decent scores in side games. Basically, I'm kind of annoyed that I'm essentially being penalized for not being able to play for hours on end; even though I probably contribute almost as much to the team score-wise as someone who has no summer job or other responsibilities, who can play all day but only sends a point or two a game. In other words, I think rank should be based on how much you contribute to your team overall -- whether you do that by playing a ton of games with low scores or fewer games with higher scores, that's up to you, either way would work just as well. Even if the system was weighted, so that both were considered but effort was still more important than score, that would be fine with me; it'd just be nice if good scores counted for *something*.


work smart, not hard :)

In yyb I score one point, get the next ball and run into the corner then minimize it while I do other things. Is it cheating? I suppose, but whoever has the time to play through 100+ hours of yooyuball needs some mental help


I would have to agree, i think ranks should be put by goals rather than wins, I can get 9-0 every time now (sometimes in 2 out of 3 minutes) but i would still get 1 point. The same as someone who would score 1-0 then run around wasting time.

Which i find is very unfair. It would also be fairer to those who have to go to work so they haven't got the time to play 2000 games in the whole tourney.


I disagree. I mean, I have 4,992 goals and 2,173 wins as of yesterday and my score ratio is 2.5. That means I score around 2-3 goals per game. I do the minimizing trick because I'm not going to spend all my time on the computer to play YYB. I also surf the web, chat on MSN Messenger, etc. WHILE playing. It's called multitasking, and people should not be penalized just because they score more or less goals each game.

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