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Ask a stupid question, get a stupid anwser

The Nova ROX

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Because you may be evil. :evil:


Why are you evil?

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Because I want to. Gotta problem? Sorry...


Why am I sorry?

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I don't know.


Why is an ice cube cube shaped?

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'Cuz they're twins...


Are aliens evil? :evo:

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In my imagination...


Are angels old devils?

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He's a stalker. o_O :S


Is a continent an island since it's surrounded by water?

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An island is like a cookie, much smaller than a paper <-- continents.. even though the cookie is near the paper, they both are surround by the table's surface...er..ya.. o_O


If God created Adam and Eves.. then who created God?

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A japanese dude.


Are screws meant for eating? :sick01: x_x

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They give you and computers mental breakdowns. *sniff* :crying:


Why are mice cute cheese obsessed?

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It lets you poke it.


Will you let me poke you?

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It works because it feels like it. :D


Why are sponge cakes so spongey?

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Fine Thank You.


Would you like to come over for some tea and crumpets? :laughingsmiley:

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