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Ask a stupid question, get a stupid anwser

The Nova ROX

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I can't tell you, because then I'd have to kill you.


Why do people mercilessly slaughter the English language?

Apostraphe abuse, simple misspellings, and 1337 speak...

...I think that's how it's spelled...

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Just until I look at my work and see I've done the same thing. :whistle: :guiltysmiley:


Where do lost socks go? :eh:

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Under the bed, and at night the ebil sock monster comes out and eats them. *nods* ...or maybe they're just caught in the lint thing in your dryer....


Where did the gum go?

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Yay!!!!!! Fuzzy!!!!!


I like your cat... you promised me a picture of him.

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Are you hyper???

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It's too late to do work.


If life is a hobo...

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