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The Nova ROX

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Cold if you want it to be, hot if you want it to be, and juuuust right if you want it to be!


What's new, pussycat?

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If its in my salad...


If Jack fell down and broke his crown, shouldn't Jill have the sense to NOT come tumbling after?

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Maybe Jill tripped Jack then fell over from laughing so hard and had to cover it up.


Why did you put your finger in the pencil shapner? o_O

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Apparently because you wanted to inflict terrible pain upon your self..


How in the WORLD did Little Bo Peep lose a whole herd of sheep?!?!?!?

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Er...Erm...eh...the erm... egg, I guess, in a very warm climate.


Why is the number of protons in an atom important to life?

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Because it isn't very comfortable to lay on an operating table while a brave surgeon removs a sharp piece of plastic from your esophagus.


After life gives you lemons and you make lemonade, what are you supposed to do with it?

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To tell you the truth, I don't especially care.


If north is east, and west is south, what is east?

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(Mia) THere is a hole in my bucket, dear person, dear person. A hole in my bucket dear person, a hole!


(you) Then fix it dear Mia, dear Mia dear Mia, Then fix it dear Mia, fix it, fix it!


(Mia) With what shall I fix it, dear person, dear person. With what shall I fix it, with what? With what?

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(me) A hammer, dear Mia, dear Mia, dear Mia, A hammer dear Mia, a hammer, a hammer.


Who likes ham?

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I lost it long ago.


got rice?

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I had some for lunch.


Do you like cows?

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Beacuse if she were Space Ferie then she'd be space, not a faerie.

^^ Made no sense ^^


Why is Root Beer called Root Beer? There's no roots or beer in it!

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