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100,000 Post Give Away! [Updated with Winners!]


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As I'm sure you've noticed, our forums have hit 100k posts recently!! Because this is such a big thing, we're having a little giveaway to celebrate! Entry is

here, and remember that you need to enter your current forum display name and have at least 50 of our large amount of posts to win. Winners will be drawn tomorrow around 2:30 PM NST!




And the winner of the Flerper is....




And the winners of a random codestone are...







Angel Anime


The Big Cheese





And be sure to donate for future giveaways!

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Either wait untill after the giveaway to change it, or enter the new one, being sure you change it before the drawing.

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Guest Levy

Another big thing, I recently hit 4k posts. Although I don't remember what my 4000th post was. But I do know math. 1/25 of the posts here are mine. XD

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Ho hum I couldnt win because I couldn't change my name I thought it was today but I guess its tomorrow I can change it ohwell.

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Well that was implied but eh it happens there always next time and congrats to all the winners.

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