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Drivers Edu-ama-cation!


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Man, I was planning to post on here a bit more, but the sudden life changing inevitability of DRIVERS EDUCATION BOOK CLASS reared up on me. Three weeks of learning stuff from some textbook that has the same stuff in the state-provided manual that they base the test on, but a lot more compensable than the manual will ever be. *headdesks* And I still have to do six hours of driving class. Imagine...you forget one simple thing, bam, point accumulated! Thankfully, instant failure doesn't seem as easy as I thought. Will I be able to deal with such a short time of required driving? Will I end up backing up the drivers ed car into a tree? Will I pick up my sword and stand my ground against the horrid, disgusting, and rather unpleasant PARALLEL PARKING?


...Are you kidding me? *runs behind trash can* Well, I'll try my best... :crying:

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Guest Levy

Most of the tests are just common knowledge and common sense questions. Things like, "You don't pass on double yellow lines." And, "Red means stop."

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here, you can get your G1 licese (or learners permit) without even knowing how to drive, you go take a fairly simple test and you can then drive basically anywhere as long as you have someone with their license as a passenger.


Drivers Ed just gets you a reduction on insurence... and well teaches you how to drive :)

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  • 2 months later...

I just finished Driver's Ed a couple weeks ago. It was incredibly boring...but hey, now I know random road rules that are almost never used. Haha. The person teaching my class was possibly the most annoying man on Earth. You have no idea. He would try to expand upon some rule or whatever, but end up getting sidetracked and eventually get on the subject of his college experiences. It was...horrible.


I'm done ranting. Haha.



Hopefully your driver's ed experience will be better than mine! ^_^

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I learn in an abandoned parking lot with my dad coaching me until I get into a driving school and eventually earn my liscense, but seeing as to how I won't own a car until after college, I'm taking my time.

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