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The Daily Neopets > The Daily Neopets: link issue


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Hello there, it seems that on the forum you have it set up that when someone types out 'the daily neopets' (without spaces) it automaticly reverts it to 'The Daily Neopets'. This is a little bit of an issue with links, because they all end up being broken when someone is to post a TDN link to a guide or something. :( Just thought I'd bring this to your attention. I think I tried using the thing, but since you still ultimately type it out it reverts it. :) Good luck!


Example: <a href="http://www.The Daily Neopets.com/" target="_blank">http://www.The Daily Neopets.com/</a>


EDIT: it even does it in the titles I put 'the daily neopets' (without spaces) and there it went again! :P


EDIT again: oh yea, when when you just type out a link http://www.The Daily Neopets.com -- not only does it revert the link, if you go in to edit it, it automaticly changes it to HTML code, not even forum code ^ like above. :(

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Wow. That's odd.


Actually, it may not be that odd at all. I've just noticed that you're in fact posting links as HTML. I don't know why it'd add the spaces, that's beyond me, but HTML is turned off on the boards.


Instead, we use a BB-Code substitute.


Won't work:

<a href="http://www.thedailyneopets.com" target=_"blank">TDN Home</a>


Will work:

[url=http://www.thedailyneopets.com]TDN Home[/url]


Have you been using HTML, instead?

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Nope I have been using the BBC when I post a link http://www.google.com [which automatically puts it into BBC for me] -- I then go an edit my post and it reverts it back to html ^ like shown above. :) You don't think I'm that dense, now do you Sam? :P


Edit: it seems to only do it with TDN's link *shifty eyes* I blame the meepits. :P


Test: <a href="http://www.The Daily Neopets.com" target="_blank">http://www.The Daily Neopets.com</a>


1. okay, I posted it just typed out like a nice good natural URL and it reverted to the spaces

2. when I went to edit to see what would happen ^ POW, HTML appears... but the google stays the same


Here is what happens when I try to type out the BBC by myself:




TBC The Daily Neopets.com - http://www.The Daily Neopets.com Hi!

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