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Congrats on making it to the final boss. :)

Are you on Evil mode?

If so,  you have to fight two portions of the of the final boss. 

you should also have your moonstone staff because it will help you along to take a little extra damage away from the enemy hitting you. These fights are not back to back I don't think, You have a chance to heal up in between fights or go hunt for more potions. (no more exp though if you are max level) ;(

When I did Evil mode, I had all 10 spirit and superior potions and only a few other lower potions. I felt lazy and didn't hunt for more potions between fights. I still beat them both but I was on my last spirit and superior potions. I would say to go hunt for more spirit potions on the last boss room. I know its annoying but you don't want to die. 

Also, just to be sure, between fights you could hunt for more if you used most of the spirit and superior potions.


If you need any more help, Here is a link to a guide that I used. :)









Thanks for the advice. I am on Evil mode and am equipped with Moonstone staff and Inferno robe.


I assumed the two bosses were back to back with no time to do anything. The guide I use said they were straight after each other. 


I'll keep collecting potions for the final battles!


thanks again :)

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