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Remember the header banners on the top of the screen in the old layout? I'm getting those again, but since the sidebar is at the top, the banner ad is covering my sidebar. Adblock gets rid of it on maybe half the pages that I visit (at random). Also, I cannot click on the links at the top, where is has your username (leading to your lookup), your NP (leading to your inventory) and the logout button. It is as if they are not even links.


Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? It just started today,


Just randomly going around Noepets now, and I see that it does indeed happen for me. Because my monitor is slightly wider than normal, I can still get around to my lookup and my inventory at the top, just not the navigation.


It only happens on some pages, as well. For example, My Petpage.


No, my inventory buttons are uncovered, its just that they are not links. I can see them, just not click on them.


Nope, doesn't work at all. I can't even sign in. I have to go to a shop that is not available if you are not logged in, then it will direct me to a sign in page.


To see my user lookup, I have to search myself in the search bar, to log out, I have to clear my cookies, and to find my inventory, I have to go to a page with that little yellow bar across the top.


Like I said, adblock sometimes gets rid of the banner, but I still can't click the buttons, and Adblock also prevents Flash games from loading. I have to disable it whenever I play games.


Oh my gosh, thats been happeneing to me for like a week! None of my top bar links work except for the ad itself <_<


Well, the top links work in IE, but the sidebar (I don't know what else to call it) is always completely covered up, so it is easier to use FF, where at least I can use the sidebar sometimes.


And of course TNT would make sure that the ad works and not anything else.


That's odd. I use Firefox, but almost every click on Neopets gets me the bad links on the topbar.


Here's the answer to your problem. Taken directly from the Neopian Times:



The problem is the top ad is overlaying the menu bar at the top of the screen on all Neopets pages. Sometimes the ads are "transparent" and I can still use the menus (see the first screenie on my Kacheek's Pet page). Some of the ads block the menu entirely and even mousing over it is not giving me the menu's options (picture 2 on my Kacheek's Pet page). In both cases, I cannot click on the Neopets logo on the left to go to www.neopets.com, or click on the NP or Logout links. This started around 5/8/07. I am using Mozilla on a Windows 2000 PC. It is only happening in Mozilla; IE is displaying the Neopets page correctly. ~zarantha

First off, thankyouthankyouthankyou for all the information you provided! It's honestly quite rare for us to get incredibly useful feedback like this. We're often alerted to problems, but only the fact that there IS one, and generally no information that can help us solve the issue. You, zarantha, are the man... or woman, in this case.


In response to your actual question, we're having the same issue we were a bit ago where, because the ads are at the top of the page, the rest of the content is having to wait for the ad to load. This slows your surfing down, which is pretty annoying. We're currently working on a fix where we load the ad at the bottom of the page and let everything else load first, and then use CSS to move the ad to the top where it belongs. Apparently, this isn't working as intended. ;) We'll forward your information to the ad guys and they'll get on it right away.


Well, its not really the "answer" per say, since it is not fixed, but at least TNT knows about it. Hopefully it will be corrected soon.

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