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Okay so today I had my mid-term at my computer class and the teacher said he needed to talk to me so we went outside the classroom and he told me that my third assignment was too similar to this other guy's assignment. I thought, well maybe he had the same effect or something, but heck no he actually copied the whole thing! Now, it is going to be hard to prove who copied and who didn't and I so hope they don't blame ME just for the heck of it.


To give you a background, the assignment was very simple and we actually had a short manual of instructions, so in the end all of the assignments were going to look somewhat similar. The difference with mine though, was that I had a bit of trouble at the end and my picture looked kinda too dark or faded at the bottom so to match the original picture the teacher provided us I decided to make a copy of the gradient layer and so it worked. I figure that copycat just chose whatever assignment without knowing mine had an "extra" feature in it.


Now I e-mailed my teacher and thanked him for letting me know and to keep me updated about this serious problem and I told him why I chose to copy the gradient later. So now I pretty much did everything I could to sort of "prove" I didn't copy. Besides the guy has not attended the two last classes at all so his "record" isn't so "clean". Also all of my assignments are pretty much "pro" and have a lot of extra effects so really you can tell I wouldn't need to copy anything.


Anyways, anything you would guys recommend me to do?


Oh yea, the big problem is that we submit our assignments on a public teacher's folder so anyone has access to it.


Hey Ellie. From what I gathered you did something with an image on a computer, why not send the teacher the actual computer image to prove that you actually did the whole thing. I'm not sure on the details but that is what I would do, and then have the other kid do the exact same thing and if he can't provide it that day (identical) then they should know that he/she was the one who cheated.


Sorry if you can't do this. :(


LOL, I just NOW read the last line, I guess I skipped a head, man that stinks.


Well when we submit our photoshop assignments, we submit the PSD file so the teacher can look at our work. What the guy did is pretty much open MY file, rename it and save it and that's it. And since we had step by step instructions, there really isn't a good way to prove it. So pretty much the teacher gave us the original picture, and then the images we needed to work on. Thing is, I'm afraid that if they in fact conclude that me or the guy copied, that we BOTH will lose marks. Either way I'm really upset, but confident because my other assignments show that I don't need to copy any work from anyone.


I am so sorry Ellie that sucks! :yes: I hope he gets caught! :yes:


I just received an e-mail from my teacher and he said I'll get the mark for the assignment and that he'll let me know if anything changes.



EDIT: I talked to my teacher and he is with me because he told me the guys is failing the class so far and he has seen my work and he knows I didn't cheat. Also, turns out I sent the assignment BEFORE the guy and it has now been proven by the pc's date. Well it says I sent it at 12:41 am on the 25th of April and the guy sent it at 8:42am on the 25th of April. Obviously I did not send my file at midnight, but it pretty much says I sent the file BEFORE the guy so now the teacher is going to wait until the guy comes back and he will talk to him and if we don't settle it, he will send it to the Academic Director and well it will be up to the Director.

  • 2 weeks later...

You know, there was this guy in my class who was recently punished as he had copied a whole compositiomn from a model composition with the same topic! The teacher failed him.


I'm really sorry for what happened to you. But don't worry. Justice always prevails!


I laughed so hard on Wednesday because, the teacher called his name and he wasn't there so his friends told the teacher that he SWITCHED SCHOOLS!!! That's why he didn't show up for 2 weeks. I wanted to laugh so hard LOL.

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