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Neopets recieves 4.3m visitors, up 15%, March 2007: comScore

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comScore Media Metrix - an influential and widely-recognised company providing statistics - has announced that Neopets.com recieved 4.3million visitors in March 2007, up 15% on the previous month. However, Alexa.com - who names Neopets as the web's 182nd most visited website - reports that the last three months has bought 8% less visitors than the previous three; but Alexa's results should be taken with a grain of salt as their results come from the many millions who have installed the Alexa Toolbar, leading the data to be slightly less accurate than that of comScore's, released today in their monthly report. Neopet's comes under the 'Community-Teen' category with comScore, which it also announces is the biggest riser since February - gaining 25% more visitors.


Source: PR Newswire

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