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So does anyone here remember an animated series and TCG called Chaotic? I mean it was only halted 3 years ago due to legal issues, among other problems, so it hasn't been that long. Chaotic was a great show and card game. It was about different waring tribes of creatures in the world of Perim. Not only could you play the TCG in real life you could also play it online. In the TV Series players can use a device called a scanner to port to chaotic where they can play the game in places called battle dromes where they actually become the creatures to fight each other until one player's whole team/army is coded (defeated). Players can also port to Perim itself to scan creatures, locations, battlegear (weapons, armor etc.) and Mugic (musical magic) for their battledrome matches in chaotic. Season 2 ("M'arrillian Invasion") of the show saw an art style change. Before the show used flash animation but now used more traditional animation with more detail. Nothing else changed with the animation style change luckily. The various tribes of Periim are:


OverWorlders - A tribe of mostly mammalian and avian like creatures and some mythological creatures, who tend to be more honorable and have a deep rivalry with the UnderWorlders.

Mipedians - A tribe of reptillian creatures who live in the desert and have the ability of invisibility and can conjure warbeasts.They have a deep rivalry with the Danians.

Danians - A tribe of insectoid creatures that live underground who have various hive abilities. They have a deep rivalry with the Mipedians.

UnderWorlders - A tribe of more monster like creatures that live underground, who specialize mostly in fire attacks. They tend to be more antagonistic than the OverWorlders and have a deep rivalry with them.

M'arrilians - Aquatic Lovecraftian esque horrors that use mind control to control other creatures. They were sealed away for two thousand solons behind the Doors To The Deep Mines before they were released once again to reek havoc across Perim once again.


There were also tribless creatures who didn't belong to any specific tribe and lot's of lore and action too. It was faily popular, with good reason, and there are lots of fans hoping for a revival. So I was wondering how many members of TDN were fans of Chaotic and if they missed it too. I even changed my avatar to Owis, an OverWorlder. Maybe fans could post their favorite creatures, tribes, favorite episode of the TV series, etc.

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I do! I watched episodes of the show when I younger. :laughingsmiley: Not too sure about the card game though. :P

:D It was great wasn't it? I recently re-watched all three seasons. The TCG was great too and it was the first TCG to use online if I remember correctly. Unfortunately I never got a real chance to learn how to play. I did recently find all of my cards though!

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