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Yay for crochet!


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This (link willing) is the first bit of lace I've managed to finish - a duster cardigan with long sleeves and detailing below the waist. Feeling pretty accomplished as it only took 3 weeks, on and off. Does anyone else here knit or crochet? I'd love to see your things and stuff :)

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You might say I have a little interest in the subject. (The gallery looks so bare because I haven't spent the money to expand it yet, I have a lot more of the things on my wishlist than it appears; my one regret is that since I don't buy NC, I won't have all the lovely NC items that are knit and crochet.)


My grandmother first taught me to crochet (in the round, she likes/liked making random round pieces of crochet) when i was a kid, I totally forgot, nd a few years later my mom re-taught me the very basics and I learned the rest on my own. I then taught myself how to knit by looking online.


Some examples of my work. I don't really take/host online pictures of my work so that's all I have, and the first two are rather old. The Petey Piranha is one of the things I'm proudest of to date, because it's the first thing I've done about 90% pattern-free (the head is adapted from a Mrs. Pac-man pattern). It's not great, but I still like it. It's huge and huggable.

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Oh wow, you're all so talented :) This might sound geeky but are there any favourite brands of wool out there? Personally I like using Rowan yarn, it's so luxuriant and soft without going into totally silly money.

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I'm the opposite of a yarn snob, I'll use pretty much anything. I've bought a lot of yarn secondhand from thrift stores in fact, and some of it without labels (which is just asking for trouble, I know; I've become a little more discerning).


It's funny because a lot of people don't like using the ubiquitous Red Heart at ALL, but I like it for amigurumi because it holds its shape so well. Basically, I'm more likely to find a pattern that fits the yarn than to say "I won't use X yarn," whether in terms of fiber, brand, color, weight, or anything. A perfect project for any yarn, if you will.


My friend actually sent me a skein of Cascade 220 in a colorway I like, and it seems amazing. I've got a project in mind but...I actually have to buy more of it first, heehee. Luckily it's not SUPER expensive or hard to find. It's exciting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it is really beautiful what you did. I have always wanted to learn, I tried once with a magazine, but... I didn't go well. I have been thinking since last week (I think) to try again, and this time take it seriously. If I decide to try it, I would probably buy some cheap yarn, money is a issue, beside, I would be learning...Although I do care about the colour, I'm not a big fan of white, pearl, and those kind of colours, those are not me... even if I'm just trying.





I'm a crocheter myself, I've made a bunch of stuff, working on a golden snitch blanket right now for my friend's wedding. Here's my Ravelry account


My cousin is getting married, and I thought about making a blanket too. Although I have no idea what kind of how.

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I've tried to learn crochet through YouTube, but that hasn't worked so far. About a month ago I met this girl at the bar while I was out and she was crocheting. She gave me her card. She said she'd teach me. Woo drinking beer and learning a craft? I'm down.

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