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McAfee Problem

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I recently upgraded my Internet Security Suite to This



Because of a trojan my friend gave to me by accident across msn (some people are so sad now)


This pack includes Firewall, and it installed etc, but for some reason, when i load the the program it says the Firewall is not running??


Also in my desktop now, this happens



The big black line, and the message pops up no matter how many times i click block action


I don't want no wild guesses, because i may get my friend up (not the same one) who is excellent with pcs


EDIT: If the hacker is good, he turned off my system restore, so i can't set my pc back to a earlier date :@

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Im sooooo sorry! I can't believe you system restore got turned off. That hacker was smart as for suggestions I have none. Sorry.

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Ha, i think i found a way to block him out, i installed virtual technician and he fixed the firewall project, so now thats protecting me :D


EDIT: NOOO My Firewall problem is appearing, this hacker is good


But i get my friend who is the best at Pc to come up and get rid of it once and for all, and if he can, may have to give him a taste of his own medicing ;)

(he managed to code himself into teh schools network at some point and change the salaries, he sorta a hacker but not one that takes down sites etc, unless they're really insulting (like racist etc))

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Guest EBIL Cybunny Easter!
Ha, i think i found a way to block him out, i installed virtual technician and he fixed the firewall project, so now thats protecting me :D


EDIT: NOOO My Firewall problem is appearing, this hacker is good


But i get my friend who is the best at Pc to come up and get rid of it once and for all, and if he can, may have to give him a taste of his own medicing ;)

(he managed to code himself into teh schools network at some point and change the salaries, he sorta a hacker but not one that takes down sites etc, unless they're really insulting (like racist etc))


It seems you have a good friend there! :D


In my case, as System Restore won't work, I'd use a stronger Firewall such as ZoneAlarm.


But the problem is, the hacker has already infiltrated into your machine, so maybe the only solution is to reformat your HD.



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Guest EBIL Cybunny Easter!
yeah, i have a frewall but the hacker keeps switching itself off


and my anti virus is installed so my friend is due up in 4 hours, he be able to stop it.

there be no way he couldn't considering the work he has already done :P


Hmm, it may be planted too deep to be resolved though...hackers are more intelligent than anti-virii, etc.

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Guest EBIL Cybunny Easter!
YAYNESS...And welcome back.


Stupid hackers, with nothing better to do.


It wasn't a hacker you caught! Hackers don't implement themselves (at least not via IM) in computer just like that. They need tools...


What you got is a form of backdoor trojan which opened the "door" of the computer, so to speak, and the hacker just walked in like as if the front door of your home was left open (an example). Then, he got access to your user and turned off your security system so it couldn't detect the hacker.


As you weren't a admin user, the hacker couldn't get access to other critical system files, because I can assure you, if you had used the admin account while you got that trojan, your computer would have to be reformatted because the hacker would have had total control over your computer.


Comes to show, always use the normal user account (without privileges) to do your normal D2D (day to day) stuff. Then again, if you had Vista, none of this would happen because the UAC (User Account Control, those annoying windows where you press confirm or cancel, accept or decline, etc. each time a program wants access to your computer) blocks access to it. :)

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