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Okay I along with a few other people thought we should have a board for the Great Turtle Race.For those of you who dont know abot this here is the link to the page: http://www.greatturtlerace.com/ it should explain everthing.This is just a board to talk about the turtles like if you are cheering for a certain turtle tell us who or just discuss the race.So what are we waiting for!!!





Oh and Go Purple Lightning!!!!!!!!


P.S. I hope this is in the right spot.


Its in the right spot, cant get more random that racing turtles :P Im cheering for Billie, hes in second place!


Hehe all i know is that it lasts for 14 days but i'll figure it out.


i think, my prediction for 4 turtles which is sorta clear


Drexeline and Sundae, doesn't want to leave Costa Rica, so they will come in last place

If Windy and Billie keep moving upwards (billie may move back) they will leave the area and not come


That sounds a bit like what gonna happen ViVi but you never know.


I am Rooting for PURPLE LIGHTNING!


I posted this in the shoutbox if I remember correctly. :)


Go Purple Lightning! Everyone seems to be going for that turtle now. Perhaps because it has the coolest name ever. :P


I like Purple Lightning because its soooooooooooo adorable and because I like YAHOO! *YAHOOS*


Pffft :P YOU WISH PURPLE LIGHTNING ALL THE WAY! And then Billie in 2nd or 3rd.


Well if Purple Lightning places thats all that Matters.


Are the turtles going somewhere else, or the race had ended? Because they said 'If you want to find out where your turtle goes for the next few months, go to TOPP!' I hope Costa Rica >> Galapagos Islands is only the first lag... I want Genevieve to win!

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