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Hewwo! I found this place due to a certain situtation!


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I've played Neopets for a looooong time.. I am Lilly who once called herself the Job Coupon King all so know as Hoshi123! My account here!




I was contacted by real life friend of mine from back when I lived in Georgia (I live in Arkansas now) It has been nearly 7 years since I've heard from him! I was so happy he found me as we lost contact with each other after I moved. Currently Neopets is the only contact I have with him...



All so it seems I can't copy and past any content on this site..


So I can't speak of why I was banned for 24 hours when I had done nothing wrong..


Are there any other folks here who are veteran Neopets players from the early 00's that belive the rules are too strict now? It saddens me than I might lose all contact with an old friend because I can't tell him where he can contact me..

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If it's only a 24 hour ban, just wait it out, then slightly hint to him about this site, then you two can PM each other then gradually (or not) start E-mailing.

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Well I don't exactly know how to answer your question, given I've only been playing since 2003 however, given the situation why not ask your friend to join us here at tdnforum. From there, you guys can private message each other back and forth.

I'm not entirely sure if it's allowed, but maybe even share contact information like a social media, or messanger you both use so you can keep in contact outside of neopets.

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Hi and whalecum!

You can tell him where to contact you. Your TDN account name is the same as your neopets account name so you don't have to write an account name in a neomail (which is against the rules). Just tell the guy something like "I'm on TDN if you wanna talk". Just make sure you write TDN and not TDNF :P

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oh! this could work! thanks guys!


I really should get back into Neopets again.. Nowdays I just play the stock market and collect interest.. Nationstates and gardening takes most of my free time now!

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I would wait the 24 hours. I would also be careful what I write in Neomails. I've been playing nearly 5 years, and what you can write that won't trip the filters or get you in trouble are quite difficult sometimes to figure out. Anyway, I hope you get in contact with your friend!

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