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Hello guys,

I been absent for a long time, and I heard about restocking for a long time now, but never wanted to attempt it.

Most of the guides I looked up are out of date.


Ex) Most 2500 items are worth like 10-15np now,

Medicinal Soap isnt profitable anymore


Most things I try buying are losses, not profit.


Is there any up to date tips on restocking?


I have 350k to spend.

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I recently started restocking and found that the only real way was to pick two, maybe three shops and just watch them for a couple of days. Anything that crops up that you'd like to restock, price check it. By price checking it there'll be no way that you'll have enough time to grab the item, but a few days of this and you'll start to get a mental repetoir of what items are worth.

I did this for a couple of weeks on two or three shops and then half price day came round. There is greater competition on half price day BUT there are also more restocks because the shops empty more often. The other advantage to half price day is that even if you buy a couple of things that turn out NOT to be profitable, other items you buy cover the potential loss.

My first day actually BUYING items was half price day and I gave myself 50k to play with and didn't let myself take any more out of the bank. I make aproximately 200k, so the following half price day I allowed myself 100k. Now I know my shop stocks very well and restock for a couple of hours daily, or if I see something in passing. but those first couple of months was literally watching shops and price checking items to build my mental shopping lists, even now if I spot an item i've not seen or can't remember, i'll price check it and mentall log it for future purchase or future avoidance, instead of snapping it up instantly.


Hope this helps you some.


Ari x

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Always check the Shop Wiz before buying an item to see if it is actually of any use. You may end up wasting your precious NP if you don't! But you have to be quick about your purchase because there are others, too, restocking!


Check out this handy guide: http://www.sunnyneo.com/restockguide.php


Or maybe


This one: http://www.neopets.com/~restocker


Even TDN has one: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/articles/restocking/


There are a lot of helpful guides that aren't out of date! Check some of them out! ;)


Hope this helps! ^_^

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Items inflate and deflate on neopets pretty quickly, so such a guide would be useless after too long. If you actually want to get the hang of restocking, then I suggest you follow AristaHolmes' advice and stalk the shops for a few days with shop wizard open in another tab. If you just want to turn an easy profit without having to sit on top of the shops and refresh the shop wizard constantly, then do as kodylaurentia says and wait until half price day and stalk the various stamp shops. It's true that the shops are busier on half price day but they also restock more often, so it at the very least balances out.

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I would try the attic also. I've snagged some very profitable items from there. You can only buy 5 items a day, and there is a 15 minute wait once you do. Worth a shot! Just don't buy anything that has been sitting there. Those definitely aren't worth your NP.

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Alright I shall stock the Food Store, and the and the Bakery.



I do wanna try stocking at the Card Store but activity seems so low, I actually have to buy things to make room for the restock


And I been trying to snag igloo and attic sales, I gotten some good wares there.

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