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Pokemon Roleplay Version 1.1

Empress Keiko

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Okay, well the last roleplay went downhill because I kinda disappeared for a little...or awhile....


well, this is the same exact thing. Same characters and description. One thing is up for debate, though. What region to start in. That's a tricky one because Sinnoh is coming out, but we don't know a lot about it, (well actually, I have a few guides for sinnoh on some websites, but still, I don't know) I think hoenn might be smart to start in, but still not sure. We'll have a vote between Hoenn, Sinnoh, or if you REALLY want to (I don't advise it) Kanto. PM me for your choice. Once we get that out of the way, then we'll start the rp.


REMEMBER: Anyone can join. The people that were on the old one just have to use their old character.




Trainer name:




First/Starter pokemon (Can only be a first evolution):






Trainer Name: Cleo Sallans

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Personality: Pretty kind, yet snarkie. Does not like people who take things seriously, as she likes to relax a LOT.

First Pokemon: Shuppet. She got it from her brother, Terin, when he was about to take off to become a trainer. She wants to beat him one day.

Appearance: Long Blond hair with brown highlights. Deep blue eyes. Wears a long black skirt with blue flames and a Black shirt with white sleeves. carries a bag on her back. Finally, dark blue gloves.

Town: Serenity Town, Sinnoh


((((((Okay! I chose to do Sinnoh, so I guess we do that!)))))))))))

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Trainer Name: Dusty Roxwell

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Personality: Determined and Curious

First Pokemon: Kabuto

Appearance: Light brown hair, glasses, blue jeans and a brown shirt.

Town began in: Fossil Valley


((What about Johto? Or is that because there are third generation Pokemon?))

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Trainer Name: Seika Miharu

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Personality: Rather happy-go-lucky with a cynical side, and a bad temper. Has a 'talent' for getting her way with a sad expression, and is a bit of a klutz, and a tad forgetful.

First Pokemon: Eevee, she found it hurt in the woods one day during a sudden storm, and she took it home with her and nursed it back to health and they've been close even since.

Appearance: Long golden-brown hair that's always tied back in a pony tail. Sapphire blue eyes. Wears blue jeans and a long sleeved red shirt. Carries bag on sholder (the Female DP trainer style).

Town began in: Gem City, (Region? maybe Sinnoh since it's out soon.)

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((Johto didnt have 3rd gen pokemon. So I say no.))

((PM me your votes, it'll be easier for me))

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I got metroid's vote...I'll need anime's...but no one else is on that was on the last roleplay...or at least I think....


EDIT: nvm...two people are on that need to vote. Anime and Zac. Radience and Vivi aren't on.

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((Radiance hasn't been on since februrary, so yea, her vote isnt needed))

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((yep. 1 vote for Kanto, 1 vote for Hoenn, and 1 vote for Sinnoh....tied....))

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((I sent him a message, he hasn't replied))

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(Ug, and I didnt vote cause i dont want to vote.....should I vote?))

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((Okay, I say that we do Sinnoh. It's coming very soon in the future, so I would like to do it.))

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((Sure! You can go straight ahead, I'm just going to look for a D/P walkthrough))

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that should help for a lot. Serebii is also very helpful, so...yea)))

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((Is it ok if I join?))


Trainer name: Lux Vista

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Very shy, quiet. Is naturally very timid, and is only taking first steps to step out on her own. She has a tendency to hide behind other people, for better and worse. She has lived a very sheltered life due to her blindness, and has rarely participated in any sort of competition out of such a life style. She has a bit of confidence due to her upbringing with her parents being upbeat and positive. However, she has also lived a very organized and structured life due to her older brother's ridged lifestyle. She tends to be more of a follower.


First pokemon: Poochyena.

Unlike Lux, her Poochyena is rather agressive. It is fiercely loyal, however, it is also very defensive. Lux has been trying to get it to be friendlier, however, as she tends not to take charge of situation. Aids her as a seeing-eye Pokemon, though it has not been trained as such.


Appearance: Blond hair that is chin-length and hopelessly straight. Has brown eyes that tend to stare as she is blind. She has a rod which she uses to help navigate. Wears a blue sweater and a white pleated skirt. Has a small brown purse.


Hometown: Hearthome City

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Trainer Name: Forgot his own name to forgot his bad childhood, but people he met have been calling him 'Sonny', he has yet to find out the reason

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Ever since his parents died when he was young, he was rejected by all other Relatives, he been living in the wild alongside the pokemon, learning to remain out of site by hiding in trees. He has no need for company for what has happened to him in the past so he only relies on himself and his pokemon.

First Pokemon: Received a package when he was 11 from his Grandma which contained a pokeball containining a Gastly which his Grandma left him before she passed away.

Appearance: He wears a cloak so not many people know what he truely is, only time people see him in the light is when he comes into cities or comes down from the trees for battles.

Town began in: Born in Ecruteak City, but been Travelling and Now Sitting in a tree in Route 116 in Hoenn

Other: Across his journey he has also caught a Treeko, Pidgey and a Torchic.

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(Okay, we are doing the rp in SINNOH. Oh and the english names for towns can be found on serebii.net))

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((Ok. So, what area of Sinnoh is it going to start in?))

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Trainer Name: Dusty Roxwell

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Personality: Determined and Curious

First Pokemon: Kabuto

Appearance: Light brown hair, glasses, blue jeans and a brown shirt.

Town began in: Fossil Valley, Sinnoh


Dusty's father was a brilliant scientist that dedicated his work to Pokemon. He entered Dusty's room, hands behind his back. "You know, son" he began. "Your mother and I have been discussing about how you wanted to set off on an adventure with your very own Pokemon. After thinking deeply about it, we decided to allow you to." Just then, Duty's eyes lit up and he grinned. Something troubled him though. "Dad, I'm really happy and excited, but I have no Pokemon." said Dusty. "Ah, but that is why I brought you a little present." replied Dusty's father. He brought his hands from behind his back, revealing a Kabuto. "I found a Kabuto fossil a few months ago. When I found out that you wanted to go have an adventure, I decided it was best to resurrect him." Dusty got up and hugged his father tightly. "Thank you!" he yelled out.


After an hour or so of talking with his parents, Dusty grabbed his backpack and headed out of his house, the Kabuto was scurrying beside him.


((I'm still trying to understand the areas and such in Sinnoh. Need one of those visual maps. @_@))

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