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Not Working


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i cant get into www.thedailyneopets.com , ie, the main page!!!


i can acess the forums, as you may noticed


Ive tried with IE and Firfox

Ive also tried going to some pages first but nothing works


I get the Problem loading page and the This page can not be displayed messages.


Its been like this for several hours

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my thought is that the server provider for tdn had stuffed up. I think one of its servers has gone down, but this server only covers people in a certain area, im in Australia and its not working, what about you Antiaircraft? Aust aswell, we have lots of computers here, so maybe...

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I'm in Malaysia - I don't think we're covered by the same server provider.

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Oh, if only we had dedicated servers for certain areas. But we don't, I'm afraid. :(


But yeah. The problem happens all over the globe intermittently. I don't know the in's and out's of our servers, but I'd assume that JellyNeo's servers would be down if it was the server, too.


Also, the servers for the site and the forums are different. This (The forums) one is hosted by the McQueen's themselves! The other one is hosted by... 'dreamhost' or something.

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