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Nay...then yaayyy... BLEAAAHHHH??

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NAY: I just found out instruction starts tomorrow! (I thought I had another week of spring break! :( :( :( )

NAY: I was lazy this spring break and need to do laundry D:

NAY: Plans for this week canceled because school.

NAY: Was trying to change my schedule so I could take a language class but all the language classes are either advanced only, or closed, or I'm not interested in :( (Was trying for Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Korean but only Latin, Greek, French are available and Chinese is waitlisted)


Hopeful YAY: I might be able to change classes to something I'm actually interested in! (psychology, anthropology, and voice lessons)

Hopeful YAY: I might get to do my own research!




There are lots of sites out there where you can learn languages.



LiveMocha is the one a friend of mine introduced me to a long time ago. (I should note that I don't talk to her anymore, but last I knew, she was aiming to be a UN translator. And she definitely speaks German fluently.) Besides lessons, it also has social interactions with native/fluent speakers. They grade your speaking and writing work and you can do the same for people trying to learn English.


Duolingo is a Chrome app and an Android app. It only teaches Spanish, French and German, though, last I knew. There is a writing portion, but no speaking portion, and if you mess up, you lose hearts. (Kind of feels like you're losing lives, actually.) DL allows you to bounce around, though and I'm not sure that's a good idea. I mess with it in fits and spurts and like to see who on Facebook I can get more points than.


Fluencia is Spanish only and I've just gotten through the first module, so I can't say too much about it. However, it does claim to give you a year's worth of college Spanish, so it should be interesting.


I used to use livemocha but I forgot my login


But yeah that's one reason why i ended up not taking a language class -- there are resources online. But I really love the Russian professor. I had taken a class with her wand she is super nice and her assignments were fun


Oh, good luck with Spanish :) I know how to read and write, I just need to improve my grammar and learn where the accent marks go. I was told that the hard vowels have accents, but I can't hear them :/


You've "taken a class with her wand"? What kind? Willow and unicorn hair? Eleven inches? Nice and swishy? </HarryPotter>



You've forgotten your login on LM? Why didn't you let your browser save it?


I had the equivalent of two years of Spanish in high school and I took a semester of it in college...I just have no one to practice with (and don't get beyond the first class, because the teachers are never very nice).


As far as accents...in the real world, you'll find that if you're texting or chatting online, no one is going to bother with upside down punctuation and accent marks. Everyone I've chatted with knows that "Como estas?" is supposed to indicate "¿Cómo estas?" and no one is going to chastise you for not writing it properly. (Duolingo will say, "Oops, you missed an accent", but won't deduct hearts and Fluencia doesn't seem to care.)


I'm totally out of it this entire morning....I honestly dont even remember what I was trying to say lol


I went to get groceries and I called my mom 5 timess because I kept forgetting what I had in my basket and what I had to get *facepalm*

I was also trying to send a text but i keep writing words that Im not thinking of.... I ended up writing "because with ate" instead of whatever it was i was thinking. Not sure where I left my brain...


being sick is no bueno




I forgot my log in because it had been years since I have been on the site :P I havent taken Spanish classes at my college

Some accent marks are important. You dont want someone to think youre writing about their butt when you meant to say year :P For me, it's important because I hope I can take courses in mexico or any other spanish-speaking country someday. Maybe it wont happen, but who knows




Well I disappeared from the internet for a few days since the first week back to school is always hectic for me but it looks like:

YAY: My independent research is going to be on the Guatemalan civil war, I was able to get into both classes I was waitlisted, and I will be able to minor in Middle Eastern Islamic Studies!

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