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Hey everyone, I am in need of the code that allows the image on the page to automaticly change when you click the 'next' button, I don't want it to go to a new page, just change the image, and keep going. I hope you understand, if you need more detail, and I don't know how much more detail I can give, just post here. I have spent hours looking for it on google and in my book (which hates me) and can't find it. I'm sure if I knew the technical name I could find it easiler, but I don't. Thanks for the help in advance.


=) TJ


You'd have better luck just making it into a flash file instead of using HTML.

In otherwords, I dunno. Sorry I can't be much help.


See it's a series of images that are gifs and I need them to sorta play in steps. But loading another page doesn't make it blend all together.


Ah, javascrip is what you need, I would recomend a paticular one if I used them but I dont....

this is called a slide show btw, you can get lots of diffrent ones by searching google for 'slide show coding' and etc


http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/javascri...cle.php/3471341 is a basic one that came up


I might just use this for my blog sometime.... X3.gif


LOL I feel so dumb now, how did I not think of javascript. *wacks self* Thanks webpixie! This topic can now be closed mods.

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