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Art Gallery question


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I was checking my trophy cabinet today to see if I was successful in getting a game trophy, when I noticed that I had an Art Gallery trophy in there. I did submit a piece of art for Grarrl Day, but I don't remember ever seeing it in the Art Gallery.


Is there a way that you can find a piece of art that you did? Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to have the trophy, but I'm worried that it might be a glitch.

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I don't think you can look it up any other way than just going back and checking every page manually. They might've used it on another day as well, if the Grarrl day gallery was full but they saved it for a day with no event. Have you submitted something before, without knowing if it got in? I'm still waiting for my trophy from Mutant Day in August, I emailed support and they said that all art gallery trophies are awarded manually and they just had a lot of other things to do before getting to me :l

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As far as I can remember, I only submitted an art piece for Grarrl Day. I guess I'll just go back through from the latest gallery and work my way back.

Thanks, though.

EDIT: Never mind, I found it. I didn't submit it for Grarrl Day, I submitted it for this year's Talk Like a Pirate Day. Whew!

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