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So I got silenced for talking to someone about friend codes on the neoboards and I looked in the rules and everything and found nothing about it, but it says that it's not allowed in the silence. I feel like this isn't fair considering I can't find it on the site anywhere that you're not allowed to talk about games like this. Has anyone else ever gotten anything like this? I get that it's for one's own protection but I feel like it should have just been a warning or something. I literally had no idea.


TNT is working on updating their rules page to include more info on it. It is generally very well known that any conversation to leads to anything off site, or exchanging of information to talk off site is definitely not allowed. Usually there is a warning first, but your silencing isn't permanent, so no big worries there. Just make sure that you don't try to exchange friend codes or anything again.

(I had to google friend codes. I feel so old. ;_; )


I had no idea that a game was offsite though, that's why I didn't think anything of it. I just figured by offsite they meant like other sites like yahoo, msn, aim, things like that. Especially when the other person mentioned it first and nothing happened. I just feel like a silencing is a little ridiculous but regardless I just really needed to vent about it.


By offsite, they mean anything that isn't on Neopets, whether it's other websites, other games, real life like addresses and phone numbers. If it can't be done on Neopets, (or one of the Official Neopets Fansites which are TDN, Sunnyneo and Jellyneo) it shouldn't even be mentioned, just to be safe.


There have been Editorials that specifically discuss friend codes.


For future reference, here they are:


Link (2nd question)



Many of us gamers know that it is against the rules on Neopets to exchange friend codes on the site. I am curious why, though, since they give no personal information (at least for the games that I have played), and they don't give addresses or phone numbers. The most they could possibly give is a first name, which you could get off Neopets in the first place. I would really appreciate it if you could explain why they are banned. Thank you! ~king_m0b
It's not allowed as it basically falls under the "no leading offsite" rule. It's the same reason why you can't share instant messaging information, even if it's just a username. On a very related note, make sure to discuss any item trading or borrowing on site, so there's supporting evidence for you if you're scammed.


Link (3rd question)



Are we allowed to post our friend codes on the Neoboards? Animal Crossingfor the 3DS just came out and I would love to play with some fellow Neopians! ~physiologie
As much as many of us here are also thrilled to tears regarding the new Animal Crossing release, it's still against the rules to swap such information. We know the friend code doesn't contain personal information (Many of us in the office play these games!), but it does end up with people being able to type and chat with you. Basically, it's the same as giving someone your chat room name, which isn't allowed.

Please understand that the rules are there because of extremely strict regulations concerning a children's site. You should know that Neopets is one of the rare sites where there are a lot of underage children. In order to prevent abuse of the system, they have a zero tolerance policy.


Of course, it's a bit debatable but that's just how it is. The other reason is simply for convenience. You don't need to decide which content is scam and which is not if you simply have a rigid and inflexible rule. It was always like this with TNT. If there is a bug or exploit in a game, they freeze people instead of fixing the exploit. Much easier.


Usually there is a warning first, but your silencing isn't permanent, so no big worries there. Just make sure that you don't try to exchange friend codes or anything again.

(I had to google friend codes. I feel so old. ;_; )


Don't worry Rebecca, I have never heard of it either so we can be old together!


Going off what I've read in this thread though, if there is a zero tolerance policy to the discussion of off site matters, then TNT couldn't have given you anything less than a silence. I feel like just by doing that though, and not suspending or freezing you, they realize no harm was meant by the conversation and just had to enact some kind of punishment for the sake of their policy. Warnings wouldn't show they take the issue as seriously as they do, or send the same message of not to do it again.

  • 3 weeks later...

TNT can be strange sometimes. Or maybe they are just hating me because I once got a warning that my account will get frozen if I violate their rules that much ever again for one of my forum posts - a post where I simply apologized to another user. They even sent me that post saying that everything that is against the rules has been marked and - in fact - nothing has been marked at all. Is it already forbidden to say sorry to another user? It also can't be that I had the warning because of something rude I did before that made me say sorry afterwards - it was more like an "Oops, sorry..." kind of apology because of something silly I had said before.

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