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Game Buttons


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Some unreleased game buttons have shown up on the site, check them out! (and trophies for Crisis Courier too!) :D



Button 1

Button 2


Crisis Courier

Button 1

Button 2



Snowbeast Snackrifice

Button 1

Button 2


Edna's Shadow

Button 1


Credit to (buttons): jubjubman

Credit to (trophies): Mr. TJ

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You could've just put TJ. :D Or just left out the credit in the first place, I believe that trophies are easy to find, so the credit wasn't needed to begin with. But it doesn't matter. :P

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ps. those trophies have actually been out for quite some time you know


Yep, I knew that! But sadly, they were never posted. :( So, since the forum popped up, I thought I'd post them. :D

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