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How much do you hate Slushie Showdown?

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I find it to be capital 'B' boring. It takes so long, and it's made worse since you have to play two rounds to equal one game of YYB.


I have found that it's more tolerable to rotate it with the other games. So far I've nearly racked up 15 rank points just alternating.


I much rather wait for the counters to fill up and then start playing, the game's just so slow to start out with.

I send as soon as I hit 300.

I think its the worst in terms of points per time spent playing.


Hmm, I've never heard of this strategy. Does it seem to take less time this way, rather than just waiting for a customer to show up?

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I hate it more than Darigan Yooyus hate being thrown forward.

I think it's ridiculous that the game takes almost as long as a game of YYB and is worth half the points. At least when a Darigan Yooyu shows up, you can take a short break or play some MSN/SOSD.

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I find it to be capital 'B' boring. It takes so long, and it's made worse since you have to play two rounds to equal one game of YYB.


I have found that it's more tolerable to rotate it with the other games. So far I've nearly racked up 15 rank points just alternating.



Hmm, I've never heard of this strategy. Does it seem to take less time this way, rather than just waiting for a customer to show up?


I don't think it goes actually goes any quicker, but it feels like it does. I tend to start the game and then go and play one game each of MSN and SOSD, before coming back and running around like crazy. It makes it feel less boring for me.

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I don't think it goes actually goes any quicker, but it feels like it does. I tend to start the game and then go and play one game each of MSN and SOSD, before coming back and running around like crazy. It makes it feel less boring for me.


I did try it the other day, and it did seem to go the slightest bit faster. Of course, it really doesn't take much to make it seem faster.

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I absolutely adore SS. It's hands-down my favorite AC game. Unfortunately, it takes so much time to play, I don't really play it anymore since I focus on SoSD and MSN.


Once I max SoSD for the day, if I can get it done early enough to actually have time before getting off work, I plan to spend the rest of my day playing SS simply for fun and to relax from SoSD.

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I like it, it starts off slow but then it gets fun. I find it more fun than man and sosd because it is more of a challenge then both of them.

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I used to like it so much, now I really dislike it.


What I do is I constantly play Yooyuball and when I'm bored, I play Slushie Slinger. Once I get bored, I go back to Yooyuball. I do this until I play SS three times.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Each year I try playing it for the NP only and each year I can stand it less. I think I won't play it at all anymore next year. If I had to rate it on a scale from 0 to 10 how much I like it (with 0 being "I love you to death" and 10 being "go to hell" ) I would say it's a clear 396.

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I don't mind it too much but play very few due to the length of the game. It definitely helps me play more if I do other things in between and let the customers build up, but it doesn't help my score!

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