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Anyone else having trouble with Make Some Noise


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If I'm reading the TDN guide right, we're supposed to be able to automatically submit a score in Make Some Noise before the timer runs out, correct? I've tried several times in my games to do that, but the game never responds to it.


Has anyone else had this problem? It's annoying because it's the only game of the four AC games that I can't make heads or tails of.

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I had the same problem last year (in addition to never being able to make it to 3000 points). Try the low quality game version that Lydia posts here- hopefully that will help!

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Do you mean actually submitting the score or just ending the game by pressing the space bar? If the latter, it's working for me. But I didn't actually submit the score, because it was just a test and not high enough for me to want to submit.

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I can't get a score submitted by hitting space bar and points are in no relation to speed at which I am hitting the keys. The bonus letters also don't appear to respond to input. Thought it was my keyboard but if others are having similar problems I am inclined to think it is the game ...and no nothing else running on the computer. Had the problem today and yesterday.

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