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My new achievemet


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Ok, so the last 2 or 3 weeks I was working on my Science Fair Project about Computer Programming. I worked days and nights, and though it was late to the due date, I still feel good. My project is about JavaScript, which I don't know really much, and I needed a lot of help from variety of websites to help me out. Ok, so this is my code:

<title>Text Analysis</title>
<style type="text/css">
textarea {resize:none;
<script type="text/javascript">
function myFunction ()
var formcontent=document.wordcount.wordcount2.value
formcontent=formcontent.split(" ")
function myFunction2 ()
var formcontent=document.wordcount.wordcount2.value
var formcontent=formcontent.replace("...", ".")
.replace("?", ".")
.replace("!", ".")
function myFunction3 ()
var formcontent=document.wordcount.wordcount2.value
var formcontent=formcontent.split(" ").join("")
<form name=wordcount><b>Paste the document in the text area below:</b> <br>
<textarea name="wordcount2" rows=20 cols=75 wrap="on"></textarea> <br>
<input type="button" value="Analyze" onclick="myFunction();myFunction2();myFunction3();"> <br><br><br>
<b>Statistics:</b> <br> <br>
Number of words containing in the text <input type="text" name="wordcount3" size=5 readonly> <br><br>
Number of sentences containing in the text <input type="text" name="wordcount4" size=5 readonly> <br><br>
Number of characters (w/o spaces) containting in the text <input type="text" name="wordcount5" size=5 readonly>     

P/s: I just want to share to everybody :D

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