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I couldn't find a topic in the last several months, so here we are! :thumbsup:


Since we have new episodes rolling in for the rest of March, I'm sure we'll have plenty to talk about.


I'm not sure how it plays out in the comics, but I'd like to see them leave the prison and go out on the road again. There's not as much petty interpersonal drama as there was in season 2, but I kind of miss the feel of exploring a post-apocalyptic world and daily danger. The stake out is cool, but if Andrea is any sign of the writing coming up it seems like it's going to be predictable in addition to slow. Morgan was a nice break, though.


Yeah, I'm getting kinda bored of the prison setting. My sister (who hasn't seen any walking dead before) watched a recent episode with me and commented on the lack of "the walking dead", as it were. Which is a fair point. I miss that constant feel of danger and horror and stuff.


Moderate SPOILERS AHEAD as if you wouldn't expect that in such a thread, but you know. Warnings need to be given.


It has gotten somewhat stale, but they made up for it in the newest episode. I was literally on the edge on my seat when they walked into Morgan's area, with all the sticks and tripwires and ominous graffiti. Actually most of that episode was pretty thrilling :D


Aha, I have not seen the newest episode. (I'm not bothered about spoilers though, as tumblr has already spoilt the entire episode for me. -.-) It doesn't air here until Friday. Now I'm especially excited. :D

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