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The Obelisk Wars: Which is the better faction?

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Okay. I'd like to make this a bit formal and informal, I don't know. But I'd like to begin with listing my general opinion and predictions about the different factions.


Overall there are five different factions.


The Thieves Guild (Conniving, Cunning and Cut-throat)


The only one among the factions that are not new to the Neopian public (in terms of history). We have an idea of what this guild can do and there are familiar characters that are all familiar to veteran players or players who have been studying up on their NeoLit (Neopian Literature). The Thieves Guild is enticing because it builds on familiarity of players with the characters. The concept of a thieving guild is actually something very cool to think of, and since they were introduced first in what is deemed to be "The Obelisk Wars", I think that they began the hype and will remain close to the Neopian's hearts who have been waiting for this event for a while now.


The Sway (Mysterious, Dark and Powerful)


The Sway's introduction had been powerful - it left a bunch of questions unanswered which gave mystery to the guild/faction. The building tension and the drama in The Sway's video piques the interest of the people who are led to ask - What can they really do? - which is a bit scary and evil, but also so very interesting. The Sway's exclusivity and high-profile, combined with the seemingly present and persistent mystery and power only leads The Sway to be a faction that, although unfamiliar as compared to The Thieves guild, entices the Neopia with the question of the mind. The Sway is a perfect example of a paradox, in my opinion. They're just so very temptingly evil, devious and all that. At least, that's what it seems.


PS: Their logo is pretty cool too.


The Order of Red Erisim (The Variable)


It's kind of awkward to think that I only have one word to describe "The Order of Red Erisim" - Variable. And in truth, they are the variable. They're not necessarily good, not necessarily bad. They only want to "control" the Obelisk's power. For what purpose, it was not explained. They're also a bit comical (did you see that one guy flying backwards on the broomstick? XD) but a bit serious. They're powerful, but what are their plans with the Obelisk? I am unsure. This is the faction that interests Neopians with its variability, though this is also its downfall. It's current ruler, as far as I have heard, is Bori The Mage, which is a character that is familiar to those that have been playing TCG.


Brute Squad (Strength, Bravery, Brute Force)


By the name alone, Brute Squad asserted the fact that it has collected the "strongest" Neopians for this battle and that they do not accept weaklings. It's assertion of this fact, the fact that they value strength and brute force over anything else, is both its downfall and it's asset. The current goals of this club is to simply get stronger by getting the Obelisk, and the fact that it shall not let anything stand in its way emphasizes its qualities more, to the disdain or happiness of people, which ever side of this fence you're on.


The Seekers (Knowledge, Service, Good?)


The Seekers are plain and simple - they want to study this Obelisk, which immediately sets them as the 'good guys'. People who are driven "purposely" by the insatiable thirst of knowledge, the beauty in The Seekers is that the group's warmness and good intentions - which is what most Neopians are kind of looking in a possible war. The anticipation of "the good guys" winning makes most people like The Seekers. However, even the highway to Hell is paved with good intentions and The Seekers (this goes for the other factions as well), might not what they are cracked up to be.



I believe that The Seekers might have a double crosser within their ranks that works for one of the other factions. So far, I have a theory that each faction stands for a specific stat in the Battledome:


The Thieves Guild (Movement)

The Brute Squad (Strength)

The Seekers (Intelligence)


I have not figured out which ones are for The Sway and for The Order of the Red Erisim (Defense, Hitpoints and Abilities are the only ones left).


If it comes down to it, I do not actually know which faction to pick. But I am hoping that I get to help others pick their factions as well :) Does anyone have any advice? Or any other comments? O.o


PS: I'm leaning towards The Sway or the Order =))) I think they might have the best prizes, if ever.

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I'm with the Seekers! I just really liked the idea of a quest for knowledge. Also... There's a certain boy wizard who was a seeker...


- But that type of "Seeker" is in an entirely different context as to the one that "The Seekers" are. I joined The Order of the Red Erisim, and am very happy with my choice. I joined within the first few hours it was allowed and met some amazing people. My choice was further justified by the release of the Neopedia article :)

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