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transfer exchange option missing?


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Hi! hope that somebody will help me...


I'm actually writing about a NF of mine, but I was not able to understand how to fix her problem. She has 4 accounts, the main is 6 years old, sides are 22,20,10 months, there are 4 pets on her main and the two oldest sides and only one in the newer one.


The issue is that she can not exchange pets from her main to her sides.


Usually, when trying to transfer a pet from an account to another, the option "If you would like to exchange PET_1 for one of USER_2's Neopets, please click here" appears under the "confirm transfer" button.

When she tries to transfer between her sides, this link appears, but when she tries to transfer from her main (or from one of her sides to her main) there is no such option, and only the "confirm transfer" button is present.

Why is this? It's not a matter of not enough neopoints, number of available transfers, or account age (those issues eventually happen later). In the user preferences, the "block direct transfer" box is unchecked, in fact she can do simple transfers. So why is the exchange link not working for her?


When I try to transfer a pet to her, I can see the link (but when she tries to transfer to me, she can not).


Anybody can help us out please?



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I've never done it before...but I'm wondering, if the "Confirm transfer" button is up, did someone else offer a transfer, and it wants her to turn that down first?


I really wouldn't know; that just seems like a possibility based on what you said.

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