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I've heard about obsidian daggers for this av, that are cheap and high est value. Is that true?


And how many would I need? Like, an exact number, if known, or anything really cheap


Actually, a bunch of ice shield is also cheaper than obsidian daggers if their price in the SW is not too different. Obsidian daggers estimate price is around 60000 NP while Ice shield is around 70000 NP so that means you need to purchase more Obsidian daggers than Ice shield. I've just done this avvie a couple of days ago & if you like, I can sell you a combination of them to you for 90 NP each! Oh btw it takes about 65 - 80 something to get the avvie :)


that would sound great than if I actually bought them myself, cuz I wouldn't know what to do with them. Like, set up some trades and I pay 90np per trade? I'd like to give them back though, because I won't need them anymore after I get the av. Neomail me, I'm on really often, more often there than I am on the forums


Takes 81 Obsidian daggers. I bought them all for 1-10np on the shop wizard. Just search daily and you should find them back there in price soon enough :)

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