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What's wrong with this sentence?


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Hi, I've been trying to make an adventure on the Neopian Adventure Generator, but I can't get past the first page due to my wording being inappropriate somehow. I've heard of things like swear words in some words being blocked, but I can't seem to find the problem, anyone know what it could be, or some words I can't use? I think it's somewhere in the last sentence, I've reworded just about everything else, but I'm not sure. Thanks~



"You stumble out of your quiet house in Faerieland, ready to travel. But before you head off to Brightvale, you grab your bag and put it around your back, carefully avoiding your new Faerie wings- you still haven't gotten quite used to them, they're nothing like your old, normal Uni wings. You were painted as a Faerie Uni a month ago, and moved to Faerieland to fit in better. You double check you've got your books for your cousin, he's always loved books, and you start walking."

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I can send that exact text via Neomail, so it doesn't seem to use their 'normal' filter. Are you sure there's no other part that may contain inappropriate wording? Otherwise I recommend removing that last sentence for now, and try editing your adventure later (assuming that's possible)... Just to see whether that sentence is conflicting, or something else.

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