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Blueberries Eat Fish

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Hi there, and welcome to TDN. :) -offers cookies- I hope you enjoy yourself here!

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Thanks for all the welcomes everyone!


Hey! I'm Rayna. I've been here for awhile. I like your unique title, lol. Very appealing although confusing! xD What made you think of it?


What happened is my family was playing the story-telling game (where each person can only say three words). I started it out with a blueberry, and after a few rounds my sister would always say "ate another fish" after I said "and the blueberry". After this my sister and I would yell "Blueberries eat fish!" in parking lots to be weird.


Hi there, and welcome to TDN. :) -offers cookies- I hope you enjoy yourself here!


*accepts cookies* I hope those are blueberry cookies.

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This is a bit late but, welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your time here. :) Don't even get me started on how great blueberry muffins are! :yum:

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