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Lab Ray Question?


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I'm just curious if their are colors/species that are more common than others? I've had the lab map for two months now and the only 'lucky' zap I got was a striped aisha. Now she's turned invisible and I'm pretty disappointed. I got rid of my other lab pet for that exact same reason! It's probably going to be another month before I have another color change!


Is invisible a common color change? That's the only color change I've had aside from striped. The only species change I've had is yellow moehog.


Of course, I know it's a gamble... just wondering if perhaps I should try and invest in another lab map? Er.... Idk... I'm sad.


:( I kinda liked the striped aisha but figured I'd try for a more expensive color.

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Sunnyneo has a lab ray statistics page: http://lablog.sunnyneo.com/stats.php

It's pretty interesting.

Why thank you. I'm about to check it out now. Happy holidays KC!


One more question; how often do you change your lab pet? Do you keep zapping in hopes of it just changing eventually or get frustrated (like me) and zap another pet?

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I've had the lab ray for around ten months now and I've never had any pet turn Invisible. Any species change will start you off with a regular colour (blue, green, yellow or red) so you might see those colours fairly often.


Now I think of it, the most popular (non-regular) colour I've gotten is Robot, as I've had two pets zapped that now. I feel fairly lucky with my zaps in that I've also had Maraquan, Wraith and Mutant too. Personally, I will grab a regular looking pound pet, and zap it until it looks fabulous! Many of my lab pets go through several species and colour changes before they get adopted out. It's not always easy to continue zapping when the pet has any non-regular colour, but sometimes the gamble pays off (eventually).


Merry Christmas, btw!

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I always stop zapping when I get a colour I think someone, somewhere would be interested in. But if I need the space for a new pet, I'm not as critical with my results. I've started writing down the changes my labbies go though, so if you're interested, check out the link in my signature :)

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I once got two to three color changes almost consecutively for pets. Nowadays, it's a bit rarer. My luck has run out!


Depending on the pet I am zapping, I'll keep zapping if it's not a good color (checkered for example). If it comes with clothes though, I'd keep it to transfer since I don't want the PB clothes to be in my closet.

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