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A Cartoonized Version of Me.


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Well i decided to draw a cartoonized version of me. I had trouble with the glasses.




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I am not a very good Artist. Mabey i have yellow hair. And i could have two right hands. But i dont. My feet well lets just say they fell off. XD

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dillon, more critisis, like i said with your comics, you should spend more time on it, even though its paint, amzing pictures can come out of it (i get one i did for the art december contest in a mo) if you spent a at leats half an hour just staring at it thinking what is missing it can be good but you rush things


EDIT: this is the best thing i have done on paint (better in past but best on this comp



I spent about half hour just trying to get it right, draw things in anotehr window then copy and paste it in, i have learnt in real life, if you have no effort in items they will be rubbbish

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I'm trying to draw myself in paint. It's not gonna be perfect (my drawing skills decrease from their all ready rather low level on paint) but I'll post it to compare.

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