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Hey Guys. :D


So I want to make some graphics! I will be opening my premade site eventually and I need some more stuff to put in my portfolio!



*What would you like made: (Banner/ Button/ Shield/ ect?)

*What theme would you like:

*Any special animation:

*Any specific image:

*What would you like it to say:

*Username I can contact you at in case you forget about this thread:


Hi! I would love to request to see what you can do. :)


I'd like a banner.

I'd like a dark/darigan theme!

No animation is fine. :)

I'd love this image, but more rectangular if possible: https://images.neopets.com/games/new_tradingcards/lg_skeith_day_2004.gif

I have no idea, maybe just my name Jordan or something. xD

Username: jordansheadrush


Would you make a banner surrounding my cat, Kiara?


If you could incorperate these two pictures that would be awesome:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/391409_10151062963471170_1725692491_n.jpg and https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/418925_10151062960606170_2035410080_n.jpg or https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p206x206/522032_10150788535341170_1131519202_n.jpg with "lilshadowdweller" on it? I know those images are big, I can't find the thumbnails but I'll see if I can re-adjust them for you or something.


Would it be possible for you to make a chokato themed banner or possibly a background? You didn't say if you were able to do backgrounds, so if not... no big deal. :) I don't really have an image in mind, aside from chokatos. So I'd love to see if you could come up with something for me. :P

I'd love for it to say "Crazy about Chokatos!"

Username: Qullaso


Whenever you get the chance.

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