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YO! My introduction thread.


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So, I signed up a LONG, LONG time ago, but never used this account for more than two posts. So, I guess I'll introduce myself:


My name is Kyle. I'm really computer-savvy, and I probably love Neopets more than anyone else here. I've been playing since I was..4, I think? It was around the early 2000's, but I don't have any accounts left from then, they all got purged. I made like...20...anyway, the oldest one I have is huskydreamstudios. That was my main for years, until I switched to huskydreamsflight, my current main. Anyway, pleasure to meet y'all...perhaps again XD?

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Hi there, and welcome to TDN! -offers cookies- I hope you enjoy yourself here. :)

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Welcome to the forums, Kyle. I'm Jordan.

I agree, I think you've got some competition on that claim of loving Neo more than anyone else. ^_^

Look forward to seeing you around.

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